Patoka 2000, the beautification committee of the Jasper Chamber of Commerce is getting ready to place beautiful summer flowers in the planters along the Patoka River Bridge.
Patoka 2000 works to maintain this area as an entryway into the City of Jasper.
The planters are spruced up with live flowers three times a year and flags are rotated at various times, too. Donations are accepted and received and it is this money that helps maintain these planter urns and the decorative flags on the Patoka River Bridge.
In order to defray the costs of this beautification, Patoka 2000 seeks donations from individuals or businesses throughout the community.
You may make a donation in any amount (payable to Patoka 2000) and specify that is in honor of someone, in memory of someone, or as a tribute to a cause. By doing this, you are able to remember that person, while admiring the beautiful bridge each time that you drive or walk across the bridge.
Family and friends are encouraged to chip in together for this great beautification project. By working together residents can continue to make Jasper a clean, bright community for those that live here and for those that are just traveling through.
An ad will be placed in the classified section of The Herald around May 20, listing all of those that donated funds and the people that they would like to have honored or remembered.
In addition to the donations, Patoka 2000 is seeking volunteers who could give about one hour each week to help keep the planters watered throughout the summer months. If you can help with watering – or would like more information on how this is done – please contact Nancy Eckerle at the Jasper Chamber of Commerce at 812-482-6866.
Donations can be sent directly to Patoka 2000 at the Jasper Chamber of Commerce at P.O. Box 307, Jasper, Indiana 47547-0307.
The Deadline is May 8th. Once again, if you have any questions about this project or about the donation, please call the Jasper Chamber of Commerce at 812/482-6866.