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The final pretrial conference in the case of The State of Indiana vs Kyle Schnieder continued today in the Dubois Circut Court.

Jasper attorney Tim DeMotte, who represents Kyle Schnieder, the man charged with the January 11th, 2019 murder of Chloie Lubbehusen, filed a motion for a change of venue due to public hostility against the defendant. The State objected this motion, stating that the supposed outrage is not evident enough to support a change in venue, while also expressing that the prosecution is still seeking witnesses in the case, including one that has moved out of state and has not been able to be reached.

Because they are still doing a blood test of evidence, The State of Indiana filed a motion for a continuation of the pretrial, specifying that blood test take very long to process. The prosecution also believes that the evidence as of right now would not be enough for the May 13th court date and that this is necesarry evidence for the trial. DeMotte returned with a motion that the testing of blood evidence be done independently, that way any case of bias would not be involved in the investigation. Judge Nathan Verkamp granted the motion for testing independently.

Judge Verkamp took the motion to change venue and the motion to continue under advisement. The pretrial is set to reconvene on April 17th at 8:30 am in Dubois Circut Court.

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