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A Pike County Man, Michael D Webb, 41, of Otwell, was sentenced to 5 years on several charges including voyeurism and stalking.  Webb pled guilty to the charges filed by the Dubois County Prosecutor’s Office on March 24, 2021.  His sentencing hearing was held earlier this month in the Dubois County Superior Court.

“I am glad we were able to secure a conviction in this case and am pleased with the sentence. Mr. Webb will serve time in the Indiana Department of Correction for his crimes and will be prohibited from any contact with the victim or her property.  The community is safer due to Mr. Webb being off the streets,” said Prosecutor Anthony Quinn.

The case against Webb began at approximately 9:56pm on November 6, 2020 when officers received a report from a Jasper resident of two men talking outside her home and seeing a man standing outside the window.  Police searched but did not find anyone around the property at that time.  They did locate a wet spot of urine on the ground near the front window of the home where the victim reported seeing a man.

At approximately 10:49pm, officers were called back to the same property due to a report of a man looking in a window on the southeast corner of the residence.  The victim was able to provide a description of the man at that time, telling police he was wearing a dark jacket, blue jeans, and an orange beanie cap.  The homeowner was frightened, and police remained close by to observe the area.

Deputies from the Dubois County Sheriff’s Department continued to patrol the area on foot in search of the man.  Webb was located by police in the victim’s backyard at approximately 12:40am on November 7, 2021 wearing clothing matching the description.   Webb reported to police he had been drinking and was given a portable breath test that registered .101, above the legal limit.  Webb was arrested at that time and charged with Voyeurism, Stalking and Public Intoxication.

“I want to thank the Dubois County Sheriff’s Office and the Jasper Police Department for their efforts and safeguarding the victim.  I also want to thank Deputy Prosecutor Evan Beisterveld and Chief Deputy Prosecutor Beth Sermersheim for their work on this case,” said Quinn.

Under the plea agreement, Webb admitted to all charges, including a Habitual Offender Enhancement.  He will serve a total of 4.5 years at the Indiana Department of Correction with 180 days at the end of his sentence on home detention with GPS monitoring.

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