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As we approach next week’s city elections locally, one of the other issues on the table has been bringing youth to Dubois County.

Mayor’s candidates in both Jasper and Huntingburg have discussed the issue during the current election cycle. At the crux of the issue has been local students who are graduating from high schools in Dubois County and then find jobs elsewhere after graduating.

In the Jasper mayor’s forum, 2 of the 3 candidates expressed ideas for helping youth want to stay in the future through re-starting a mayor’s youth council. Democrat Wayne Schuetter and Independent Joshua Budd made the proposal. Schuetter says its all about getting the word out on what’s available for young people:

Meanwhile, Budd says arts and entertainment hold the key to bringing young people here:

Incumbent Jasper mayor Terry Seitz offered more of an initiative driven towards the entire community by creation of a citizen’s advisory council. As for youth, Seitz says its about several different factors:

The sentiment of needing more youth was echoed by the 2 candidates for Huntingburg mayor as well. Democratic challenger Ron Drew says its a challenge for the area to bring youth back, but he echoed the idea that a group approach would be most effective:

Finally, incumbent Huntingburg mayor Denny Spinner went back to the idea of quality of place as the best way to bring in youth:

On a final note, early voting for this election continues through Monday, November 2nd at the Dubois County Courthouse. Satellite voting locations will be open at the Huntingburg Event Center and the Ferdinand Community Center starting today and continuing off and on through Saturday.

The 2015 election is coming up on Tuesday, November 3rd.

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