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The City of Huntingburg is looking to move forward on plans to improve the city’s wastewater system.

The Huntingburg City Council’s first topic of discussion last night was to approve and set a date for a public informational meeting on the city’s planned Wastewater Force Main Project.

The city has had this idea in the works for the past 4 years with the objective to add capacity to the city’s wastewater system.

During last night’s gathering Huntingburg Mayor Denny Spinner highlighted the importance of such a project.

Three city boards that are needed to act on this including the city’s Utility Board, the Board of Public Works, as well as the Citizens Rate Advisory board.  The meeting will take place on November 19th at 7:30pm at City Hall in Huntingburg.

Also last night The Huntingburg Council was  introduced to the newest member of the Huntingburg Police Department.

Ester, is a 2-year old German Shepherd K-9 was recently acquired by the department and will serve as a drug enforcement dog.

Ester joined the force this week and will be paired with Officer Josh Hemmer.

Ester is trained to search for narcotics in several methods including vehicles, mail packages, buildings and even schools.

Huntingburg Police Chief Arthur Parks says the very friendly K-9 is a very special addition to Huntingburg Police Department with a special gift.

Screen Shot 2015-11-13 at 11.23.33 AMEster’s addition was made possible thanks to support from the city and the community.

Ester’s cost and training was tabbed at about  $8,000 and was raised through donations from local businesses and the city’s rainy day fund. Parks says the department will seek more donations down the road to help with Ester’s veterinarian costs, food and general upkeep.

And the Council heard a report last night from Roger Niehaus and Alan Nass of the Fairmount Cemetery Board about financial concerns.

The cemetery board had approached the city earlier this year, in regards to their worries about finances but has since re-organized itself into a 5 person board, with members appointed by local churches and one even appointed by the mayor.  With Fairmount’s status as a public cemetery the board is non-profit.

The main issue with the cemetery is upkeep with lot sales as its primary income along with some interest.

Fairmount Cemetery was established in 1876 and as a public cemetery, anybody can be interred at that location, regardless of their denomination. The cemetery even has a section of land set aside for those who cannot afford a lot to be buried for free.

The board has been seeking different ways to raise money; from charity grants to donations.  The city by state law can set some money aside to help entities of historical importance.

Given the cemetery’s history, the council believes that the cemetery does classify as a historical site. Through resolution the council agreed to set aside a one time donation.

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