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The annual observance of Memorial Day by the Dubois County Veterans Council will be held Saturday,May 28th beginning at 10 am at the Veteran’s Memorial and Fountain on the westside of the Dubois County Courthouse.

All Veterans Organizations of Dubois County will be represented and all Veterans who passed away
this past year will be remembered. This year’s deceased veteran to be honored is Robert Stemle.

Robert was inducted into the Army in 1951 beginning his basic training and AIT at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. He served in the Korean War before he was discharged from the Army in February 1953. Stemle’s awards include the Combat Infantry Badge, Purple Heart, United Nations
Service Medal and the Korean Service Medal with two battle stars. He was married to the former Rosemary Hauser and is survived by his wife, three sons, along with eleven grand children and five great grand children. Stemle retired from the Greater Jasper School Corporation as a maintenance engineer after 26 years.

He coached Little League Baseball, was a Life Member of VFW Post 673, Life Member of the Disabled American Veterans Chapter #77 serving as their Chaplain for 17 years. He was also a member of the Order of the Purple Heart and Saint Joseph Catholic Church among many other activities and organizations. Bob Stemle passed away last July.

Now guest speaker for this years observance will be Staff Sergeant Eric Vonderheide with the Indiana National Guard in Jasper. Sergeant Vonderheide completed 2 tours in the Iraq Campaign. His citations include:

  • The Army Commendation Medal
  • The Iraq Campaign Medal
  • The Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal
  • The Global War on Terrorism Medal along with many other citations and awards.

Mark Jackson President of the Veterans Council will serve as Master of Ceremonies.

The Jasper Park and Recreation Department will provide temporary bleachers for this event but folks are encouraged to bring lawn chairs.

The American Legion Post 147 in Jasper will host a reception for family and friends of Robert Stemle along with those participating the event.

In case of rain all events will be held at the Jasper American Legion.

For more information please contact Mark Jackson at 812-630-7806.

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