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The Dubois County Solid Waste District will be sponsoring their annual Agriculture Recycling Day next

Wednesday August 3rd from 8 am till 12 noon.

Farmers from around Dubois County and natural resource managers are invited to bring their empty
triple rinsed pesticide containers to be recycled.

District officials say last year over 2,000 containers and 750 gallons of oil were recycled during the
event. The District encourages farmers and resource managers to once again recycle this year.

Oil will be accepted this year; however, there will be a $15 per drum fee, and drums must arrive on
pallets or be able to be easily slid onto a pallet.

Drums will be emptied and be available for pick up at a later date.

The event will take place at the District’s Process Center, located at 1103 South 350 West, just outside
of Jasper.

Farmers and resource managers can call the office at 812-482-7865 for additional information on the

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