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Wednesday evening residents of Jasper along with city officials and members of the Jasper Park Board got a first hand look at plans presented for the proposed Parklands project in a public gather in the council chambers of Jasper City Hall.

The Parklands was the former Jasper Country Club golf course. The city purchased almost 60 acres in April 2013 after the club closed it’s doors in December of 2012 and has been looking at how best to use the property.

The city’s original idea was to develop the land as a collaborative community campus that could have a building utilized by the parks department, arts department, library and schools.

Presenters included Jeff Justice –President of HAFER,  Pete Andriot-Principal at Rundell Ernstberger Associates, and  Jasper Park Board President Roger Seger served as the moderator.

The presenters took turns in speaking on the following topics: the Parklands Current Plan, Alternates, Site Features, Pavillion, their timeline, and also provided time for dialogue to take place with the Jasper community who expressed concerns and questions.20160825_122719

Justice describes some of the input they received from those on hand.

Justice says he looks forward to the end results of the project and how the community will utilize the park after all the components are completed.

20160824_174107Andriot elaborates on what it means to have a constructive dialogue with the community after revealing the next steps of the Parkland project.

Pete Andriot speaks with Jasper community member Brian Meyer after the reveal of the Parklands new designs.
Pete Andriot speaks with Jasper community member Brian Meyer after the reveal of the Parklands new designs.


Andriot spoke with those on hand about the possibility of continuing discussion and receiving their input on the proposed project as it moves forward.

Seger expressed his gratitude towards the many people involved with the project thus far.

20160824_183325Seger adds that the proposed project has had an extended life cycle of planning, preparation, and continuous development for nearly 4 years and that reaching a stronger schematic visual to present to the public is rewarding in itself.

As far as a future schedule is concerned a Final Drawing Review will take place September 30th , the Bid Package Relase will be October 12th, the Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on October 25th and the opening of bids will take place November 8th.


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