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The Jasper Strassenfest is set to kick off it’s 38th year Thursday as events will be held throughout downtown Jasper and in areas beyond.

Among the amenities for those headed to the Jasper downtown area is a shuttle service that will pick up
folks at 4 locations including: The Schroeder Complex, The southside parking lot of St. Joseph’s Church
along 10th Street. The corner of 5th and Mill Streets, and the corner of 6th and Jackson Streets.

Those taking advantage of the shuttle will be dropped off at the post office at the corner of 6th and
Jackson Streets. As far as the fest itself, Strassenfest Chairperson Andrea Gramelspacher says events
are not just limited to areas around the Jasper courthouse square.

Gramelspacher notes that a number events will require an early sign up for registration.


As Andrea mentioned many events will be held in conjuction to the 2016 Jasper Strassenfest. As far
events and booths are concerned as many as 50 non-profit groups are taking part in this year’s fest.

Events downtown begin with opening ceremonies that will take place on the main stage near Jasper City
Hall Thursday evening and the fest will conclude with the annual Strassenfest parade beginning at 1 pm
Sunday and the fireworks show at dusk Sunday evening at the Schroeder complex located near Jerry
Brewer Alumni Stadium.

Once again for a complete listing of events and times and other information regards to the 38th annual Jasper Strassenfest go to , their Facebook page or visit the Jasper Chamber of Commerce website at .

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