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Plans are in place as the Indiana Bicentennial Torch Relay is set to make its way through Dubois County Wednesday beginning at 9 am.  Here in Dubois County, the torch relay route is split up into four different sections based on the four school districts in Dubois County Forest Park, South ridge, Jasper and Northeast Dubois. Each of these four sections has their own itinerary for the day. Transport vehicles between sections will be provided by Uebelhor and Sons.

At 7:30a.m. tomorrow morning the torch bearers in the Forest Park section, state officials, and invited guests will start the morning with a buffet breakfast at the Ferdinand American Legion provided by Clem and Mary Lange. After breakfast, torch bearers will be in the designated locations along the route by 8:30 a.m. The route in Ferdinand begins at the intersection of 5th Street and Main Street, continuing north to the intersection of 16th Street and Main Street. Residents and companies in the Forest Park school district are invited to line the route and cheer on the torch as it passes.

The route in Huntingburg begins at the intersection of 4th and Van Buren Streets, heads east on 4th Street till Geiger Street, and then continues north to the end of Geiger Street until it meets Hwy 64. Residents and companies in the Southeast Dubois School district are invited to line the route and cheer on the torch as it passes. At 8:40 am all of the torch bearers in the South ridge section as well as any other community members will go to Huntingburg City Hall. Mayor Denny Spinner will welcome those on hand. The South ridge Choir & Band will perform the National Anthem and “Back Home Again in Indiana.”

All torch bearers will be in their designated locations by 9:20 am. The route in Jasper begins at the walking bridge next to the Jasper City Mill, continues across the bridge through the Jasper Train Depot Parking lot, heads east on 2nd Avenue, heads north up Main Street to around the Courthouse Square, and continues up Main Street to the intersection of 9th and Main Street. Residents and companies in the Jasper school district are invited to line the route and cheer on the torch as it passes. Crowds will be gathered around the east side of the Courthouse Square. At 9:30 a.m., Mayor Terry Seitz will welcome the crowd. Jasper High School Band and the choir will be performing songs around the courthouse. American Legion Veterans are invited to be in uniform in a section around the Courthouse Square.

All torch bearers will be in their designated locations at 9:40 am. And the Celestine route begins at the intersection of State Road 164 and New Orleans Street right in front of the Happy Hour Sports Bar. The route continues east on 164, heads south on North Celestine Road, heads east on Main Cross Street, north to the alley of St. Mary’s Street, and creates a loop continuing to the Happy Hour. Residents and companies in the Northeast Dubois district are invited to line the route and cheer on the torch as it passes. At 9 a.m., NE Dubois torch bearers and invited guests will have a breakfast in the basement of Happy Hour Sports Bar. District 63 State Representative Mike Braun will speak on the history of our area and introduce the torch bearers in this section.

All torch bearers will be in their designated locations a half an hour before the torch reaches Celestine. All torch bearers are asked to be in their designated locations 30 minutes prior to the time the torch arrives in their sections.



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