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The 45th annual Turkey Trot is taking place this weekend today, Saturday, and Sunday, in Montgomery, Indiana. On Thursday they held the annual celebrity turkey race and participating for WJTS and WBDC this year was newbie reporter Joy Holt.

The annual Turkey Trot started in 1972 and is a timed honored tradition of summer fun in Montgomery. The contest includes jockeys and leashed turkeys competing in a 200 feet dash, down a lined dirt track. The jockeys can encourage their turkey down the track but are not allowed to push, pull or pick them up. The fun is in watching the battle of wills between man and bird. There are heat races on Friday and Saturday with the best times competing in a championship race on Sunday at noon.

In a interview with Dewayne Shake he shares on his experience with the turkey trot.

Shake also discusses that during the event camping is also welcomed on the Turkey Trot grounds.

The annual weekend event features carnival rides, food, live music, craft show and a flea market. This years big name attraction is Mark Chestnut preforming Saturday night at 8:15pm on the main stage. The community is encouraged to come out and enjoy some down home fun and entertainment.

For more information on entry fees and scheduled events you can visit the turkey trot website at or for questions email

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