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As the year has reached its final month for 2016 Sarah Weatherwax, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity of Dubois County reaches out to the Dubois County community with an annual statement to encourage continuous philanthropy efforts.

She expresses her gratitude by stating, “ without partners such as the individuals and corporations in this county we would not be able to fulfill our mission which is to provide strength, stability, and self-reliance through shelter.”

Habitat for Humanity in Dubois County has taken place since 1995 to help community members with affordable home ownership with the goal to break the poverty cycle. Currently the organization has raised 47% of their funds for the next home they would like to help a family achieve.

In her statement Weatherwax encourages the community to continue their leadership in supporting their neighbors as they currently have a family approved for a home and the organization would like to break ground in April of 2017.

Weatherwax explains that even with donated lumber, service hours, and other amenities it costs an average of $85,000 to build a home in Dubois County which 75% or about $65,000 of the amount is needed to break ground.

For more information contact Executive Director, Sarah Weatherwax, at 812-482-5995 or via email at .

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