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Press Release:

Every three (3) years the Rotary Club of Jasper, Indiana selects a local Charity of Choice. “This commitment signifies that sixty percent (60%) of all of the Club’s fund raising efforts during this three (3) year period will go to its Charity of Choice,” said Judi Brown, current President of the Rotary Club of Jasper, Indiana.

The current Charity of Choice is TRI-CAP, with the three (3) year commitment ending June 30, 2017. The Rotary Club of Jasper, Indiana recently donated $10,000 for the purchase of a 2014 Dodge Caravan.  “TRI-CAP appreciates the van very much, as it is the only vehicle available to our staff to use outside of our Weatherization program vehicles,” said Joyce Fleck, Executive Director, TRI-CAP. “The van will be used for staff home visits, staff training, transporting materials and so forth”.

TRI-CAP’s mission is to empower people in our communities to accept responsibility for achieving personal and economic well-being by providing health, housing, and educational services.

The Rotary Club of Jasper, Indiana is part of Rotary International.  The Jasper Rotarians meet weekly, to share experience and network with people of other vocations.  This Club is a civic group that provides service locally, as well as on an international scale.

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