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County employees are to now work from home if possible.

Dubois County Commissioners met for an emergency meeting this afternoon at the Dubois County Annex.

The commission discussed the best possible option for County employees to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Two options were brought up.

Option 1 stated that all non-essential departments take in house employees down 50%, which meant 50% of department employees were to work from home if possible. These would not be days off and employees must be able to work from home if possible.

Option 2 stated that all non-essential departments closed and all non-essential employees work from home. Again, these would not be days off and employees must be able to work from home if possible.

The Commissioners voted on Option 2 and approved that all departments are to minimize staff as much as possible, effective March 24th.

The Commissioners also extended Dubois County’s emergency declaration to April 6th at 11:59 PM EST to coincide with Governor Eric Holcomb’s emergency declaration.

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