The Dubois County Health Department has confirmed still no new cases of COIVD-19 in Dubois County.
As of Thursday, March 26, at 8 a.m., there are no new positive cases to report in Dubois County. We currently remain at 1 positive COVID-19 case.
The recommendations have not changed: Stay home. Wash your hands. Social distance yourself from others. Clean and sanitize all “high touch” surfaces. Educate yourself by listening to reliable sources and authorities. Take care of your friends and neighbors by checking in on them via phone or emails.
The health department also strongly advises parents to enforce social distancing with their children.
“We are receiving reports that social gatherings and parties are still occurring particularly in our high school and college-age kids,” County Health Officer, Dr. Ted Waflart said.
“Everyone has a responsibility to follow the measures that have been put in place in order to stop or reduce the transmission of this disease,” Waflart said. “Parents and guardians, please be the leaders and educate your children on the importance of staying home and social distancing, washing your hands, and getting information from reliable sources,” he said.
The health department continues to advise that staying home is critical to reducing the spread of COVID-19 in our community.