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Andrea Ackerman Named GJCS Staff Member of the Month for January Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center Announces Name Change to Deaconess Memorial Medical Center Two Women Arrested in Warrick County for Animal Neglect Special Education Teacher Julie Henke Receives GJCS Monthly Staff Award Accurate and Efficient: Crawford County’s Plan for Winter Road Maintenance

As of Tuesday morning, March 24th, there is still only one positive case of COVID-19 among Dubois County Residents.

The city and county governments, health care providers, and multiple employers throughout our community are working tirelessly to help prevent the local spread of this virus. This pandemic has forced a serious disruption in our lives, and sacrifices have had to be made. These steps are necessary to protect the health of our families, and the community as a whole. We know this is a difficult time for everyone, on so many levels: mentally, physically, financially, spiritually, and emotionally.

The Dubois County Mental Health Committee Community Support Team is sharing some tips to help manage your stress and anxiety in this time of uncertainty.

3 basic tips to assist you at this time are:

·         Control what you can

·         Limit your exposure to the media and get information from reputable sources

·         Practice Self-Care and Positive Coping 

If you are in need of additional support, please know help is available by contacting one of the 24/7 helplines: 

Memorial Hospital Mental Health Help Line 812-827-6222

LifeSpring Health System Crisis Line 812-482-4020

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