Farming is challenging. Not only physically, but also mentally. With making sure the product is healthy along with money, labor, and having to deal with outside forces, it’s not an easy job. Farming can take such a toll on a person that Purdue Extension Dubois County is looking to help.
Purdue Extension is hosting two community meals on Monday, March 16th. These events will be held at the Dubois Community Center and at the Dubois County Fairgrounds Annex. These events will be held at 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm respectively.
Purdue Extension Educator Lisa Wilson tells us that she and other members of Purdue Extension are working to bring farmers together to offer help in easing the challenges that farmers face.
These events will offer keynote speakers as well to give their insight on mental health and farming.
The event will also offer resources for anyone who needs further help, whether it be for mental health, substance abuse, or whatever has got people going through bumps in the road this season.
Purdue Extension asks that anyone planning on coming to RSVP for the event by calling 812-482-1782.