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The Dubois County Health Department has confirmed the seventh positive case of COVID-19 in Dubois County.

Local health officials are closely working with ISDH to ensure that contacts of the patient are identified and monitored.

Anyone who may have an exposure risk has been notified about potential exposures so that appropriate infection control procedures can be followed.  The patient is in isolation.  No additional information about the patient will be released due to privacy laws.

“Everyone needs to continue making sacrifices to defeat this incessant viral enemy,” said Dr. Ted Waflart, Dubois County Health Officer.  “Things are going to get worse before they start getting better. We all need to stay strong and support each other and continue our relentless effort to: STAY HOME, Stay at least 6 feet apart from each other and wash hands frequently, especially after handling something from outside the home.”

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that people wear cloth face coverings to cover nose and mouth when out in the community setting especially in situations where you are around other people.  Wearing a homemade fabric face mask, for example, is to protect people around you if you are infected but do not have symptoms of COVID-19.

Face coverings are NOT a substitute for social distancing and should not encourage false security to leave home.   When there is an essential need to leave home (pharmacy, groceries), social distancing, of staying at least 6 feet away, is still needed.  The cloth face mask may prevent the spread of the virus from spreading to others.

The Dubois County Health Department continues to encourage and remind everyone that we should assume all people are potentially spreading the COVID-19 virus.  STAY HOME, PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING AND GOOD HAND HYGIENE.  #INthistogether #StayHome

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