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Kimball Electronics celebrated this year’s Martin Luther King Jr. holiday with music, a speaker, and by giving back to a community.

Employees helped select the Alliance for Children’s Rights, based in Los Angeles, to receive a $1,000 donation as part of the company MLK holiday celebration.

The non-profit organization’s mission is to protect the rights of children in poverty and those overcoming abuse and neglect by delivering free legal services, supportive programs, and systemic solutions.

The donation was part of a virtual discussion with employees worldwide about Dr. King.

The event featured guest speaker, Marquis D. Bynum, host of BLVCK, and author of “The List: From Slavery to George Floyd,” a 60 point historical timeline connecting the very first slaves in America to the 2020 civil rights movements.

The event also included guest vocalist, Shelantea Fischer, of the Nazarene Missionary Baptist Church in Evansville, Indiana.

“Martin Luther King Jr. Day represents a time to remember Dr. King’s fight for the freedom, equality, and dignity of all races and peoples through nonviolence. The holiday also represents a national day of service encouraging volunteerism to help improve communities, and we hope our employees took advantage of their paid holiday to do just that,” Kimball Electronics CEO, Don Charron, says. “Our employee event was yet another way to reinforce our overall beliefs in human equality. We do not tolerate racial bias, hate, and injustice. We value the diverse composition of our global team. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are what make us strong, not only as a company but as a global society.”

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