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Staff and residents at Northwood Retirement Community in Jasper received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine last week.

Walgreens was on site and helped distribute the first round of the Moderna Vaccine on Monday, January 4th.

The facility says those who received the shot did quite well in the days following the vaccine and had little to no side effects.

The second round of the vaccine is scheduled to start on Monday, February 1st.

Northwood Retirement Community also wants seniors to know that they are open for admissions and have spaces available in their Assisted Living and Independent Apartments. Their therapy team is ready to provide rehabilitation to those who are feeling weak from the isolation. The team says that these services are a big key to how quickly seniors are able to “get back to their lives” once things open up.

To learn more about the multiple senior living options available, call Northwood Retirement Community at (812)-482-1722.

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