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The Indiana Department of Transportation announces a closure for a bridge spanning U.S. 50 in Vincennes.

Beginning on or around Monday, April 5, contractors will close the bridge on Old State Road 67 that passes over U.S. 50 west of the 6th Street/U.S. 41 interchange. The closure is required as crews work to replace the superstructure of the bridge. This process includes a complete removal and replacement of the bridge deck.

Over the course of the project, the bride will be completely closed. Work is scheduled to last until the end of October, depending upon weather conditions. Local traffic will have access up to the point of closure, but all other traffic should use the official detour following State Road 67 and U.S. 41 back to Old S.R. 67 and Executive Boulevard.

INDOT urges drivers to slow down and stay alert near crews.

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