8:02:46 PM

Latest News

The Northeast Dubois School Corporation convened for its monthly meeting on Tuesday night. Among the key highlights, new bleachers at both the track and tennis courts have been installed. Procured from Jasper High School, these additions mark a step forward in enhancing the sporting facilities. Furthermore, plans are underway to add additional bleachers to elevate the soccer field, in hopes for potential soccer sectionals in the future.

In a unanimous decision, the board welcomed Presely Neukam as the newest addition to the educational faculty, slated to join NE Dubois Intermediate School as a 3rd grade teacher for the upcoming 2024-25 academic year. Additionally, the board solidified the transition of two temporary grant positions into permanent fixtures within the institution. The role of Literacy Coach, championed by Alexa Rasche, alongside the Social Worker position, anchored by Talia Myrick will both now be permanent positions.

The Northeast Dubois School Corporation will meet again on Tuesday, May 21st at 7 pm.

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