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As part of the City of Jasper’s ongoing infrastructure maintenance, the Jasper Street Dept, along with contractor, RejuvTec, will be applying a Reclamite preservation solution to the following streets, beginning Monday, September 9th.

Beginning each day at approximately 7:30 a.m. through approximately 5:00 p.m. The possibility exists of extending into the following week, in the event of inclement weather conditions or other unforeseen events. Reclamite is an asphalt rejuvenating emulsion that restores the original binder back to a proper balance.

All vehicles must be removed before 7:30 a.m. from streets being processed. Affected residents will be notified, via a door hanger, in advance of treatment on their street. Motorists will not be allowed on these streets before the contractor removes the barricades. Once barricades have been removed, the surface will be very slick with sand & may result in solution adhering to vehicles, therefore, extreme caution is advised, should you travel these streets shortly after barricades are removed.

The sand will be removed within 2 days.  

Trash, Recycling & Yard waste collection will proceed as normal & MUST be out no later than 7:00 a.m. for pickup, as our heavy trucks will not be traveling on fresh application.

Affected streets are as follows:  (may not be processed in this order)

Street Name
Portersville Road (41st to Ackerman Rd)
CR 150 (CR 350 Curve to W. City Limits)
Beringer Drive (Savannah to Butt Joint @ Brookstone)
“A” Street & Hillbrook Road (3rd Avenue to “B” St)
“B” Street (All)
Hill Road (“A” Street to “E” Street)
“E” Street (All)
Raymond Street (Hill St to St. James St)
Highland Street (All)
Pebble Drive (Savannah to 490 West)
Keusch Lane (Pebble to South End , cul-de-sac)
Keusch Lane (Pebble to Cypress)
Cypress Drive (Brookstone VII Limits)
Timbercreek Drive (S. of Eagle Point Ct. in Timbercreek II)
Pine Valley Drive (Cul-De-Sac off of 150 in Timbercreek III)