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Last night the Jasper City Council listened to a request from Jasper Police Chief Mike Bennett for an appropriation from the Local Police Continuation Education Fund of $20,000 to go towards the purchase a new patrol vehicle.

Prior to making a motion on Bennett’s request, the council expressed questions clarifying that the Local Police Continuation Fund is meant to be used for nearly anything needed except cover salaries for the Jasper Police Department. The request was eventually approved by the council.

Afterwards the council heard from Jasper Park Board President Roger Seger who asked for the appropriation of funds to go towards the future development of the Parklands.

Last year the council had set a budget for $300,000 and at this time an approximate $60,000 has been utilized. This has covered the design component of the proposed park located  south of Schuetter Road, north of 15th Street and west of U.S. 231 that formerly served as home to the Jasper Country Club.

As Seger addressed the council he stated that his goal is to achieve a half a million dollar endowment from the state. Seger explained that the initial general design has been profitable in the sense of receiving few grants but gaining in contributions and landowner contributions that include: The Bicentennial Nature Trust & Charitable Bargain Sale and the Seger Family Foundation who alone is contributing 1-million dollars.

Also the plan is for extra money to be generated from $400,000 from donations for naming rights of various park features, $400,000 in other grant opportunities through organizations like the Dubois County Community Foundation and Indiana 15 Regional Planning Commission; a $35,000 Indiana Heritage Trust grant; and a $20,000 community foundation grant.

The proposed buildout has a price tag of over $5 million which has been greatly reduced through these charitable donations.

The Council discussed and then took the request into consideration by authorizing the creation of an ordinance to appropriate up to but not exceeding $4 million dollars for the Parklands development. The Council approved for the creation of the ordinance that’s anticipated to be signed in March.

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