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The Jasper Post of the Indiana State Police has a new leader.

This past weekend, Indiana State Police Superintendent Douglas Carter promoted First Sergeant Greg Ashby to the rank of Lieutenant to serve as the District Commander for the Jasper Post.

Ashby PhotoA native of Orange County, Ashby is a 1988 graduate of Springs Valley High School. After his graduation, Ashby served his country for seven years in the United States Marines Corp, with six months served in Operation Desert Storm.

In 1995, Ashby earned an Associate’s Degree in Law Enforcement from Vincennes University.

Ashby graduated from the Indiana State Police Recruit Academy in 1997. He was first assigned to the Evansville District before transferring to the Jasper District in 1999 to patrol his native Orange County.

As a member of the Indiana State Police, Ashby has served as a Squad Sergeant, a detective, a member of the Tactical Intervention Platoon, a Field Training Officer, and a member of the Hostage Crisis Negotiator Team. Ashby was promoted as the Assistant District Commander of the Jasper Post in 2011.

Lieutenant Ashby and his wife Harmony reside in Orange County. They have three children.

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