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The Memorial Hospital Foundation is offering various medical scholarship opportunities.

A Scholarship Application must be completed by applicants and returned to the Memorial Hospital Foundation office by March 1st.  Applications are available by going to the hospital’s website at and at the Memorial Hospital Foundation office located at the hospital along west 9th Street in Jasper.

The Selection of scholarship recipients will be made by a committee composed of staff members of Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center as designated by Memorial Hospital. The committee will include, but is not limited to, the Executive Director of Memorial Hospital Foundation, the Vice President of Patient Services, and a minimum of one Patient Services Director from the Hospital.

Scholarships include;

The Doris Ackerman and Family Nursing Scholarship,

The Mabel Kuebler Nursing Endowment

The Mildred Schwinghammer Nursing Scholarship

The St. Josephís Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship

and the Kathleen Tempel Nursing Scholarship.

For information regarding these scholarship opportunities, please contact Memorial Hospital Foundation Executive Director Mike Jones at, or by phone at 812-996-8426.


The Dubois County Community Foundation recently announced up to $70,000 in scholarship grant awards are available from various charitable scholarship endowments.

Applicants should use the application available online at To access the scholarship application, log on to the website, click on the “SCHOLARSHIPS” button on the right side of the home page and then “2016 Dubois County Community Foundation Scholarship Application.”

Deadline for application submission is at 4 pm March 1st.

Student eligibility for scholarship consideration is determined by his or her respective high school from which they are graduating or have graduated from and the specific criteria of each scholarship.

Those with questions should contact Nona at the Dubois County Community Foundation office by calling 812-482-5295.

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