The Ferdinand Merchants and Chamber of Commerce are once again organizing the community’s 16th annual Town-Wide Yard Sale set for next Friday and Saturday, April 1st and 2nd.
Entire neighborhoods will be sifting through drawers, closets, basements and attics to come up with lots of fun and fabulous finds. Most of Ferdinand’s homes have porches, garages and basements just in case the weather is not ideal.
Each year there have been more families, organizations and sites. Last year’s event was deemed a huge success with hundreds of happy participants searching out bargains, some having driven hundreds of miles to attend.
Pick up a map in the Ferdinand News available at various businesses around town or follow the crowds up and down comunity streets.
Bright yellow “Official Yard Sale Site” signs with numbers coordinating to the map listings should be prominent at each site.
For additional information Monday thru Friday call 812-367-2041 or email any time; for lodging information call the Dubois County Visitor Center at 1-800-968-4578.