9:26:52 AM

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Also Huntingburg officials say in conjunction with the 4th Street Waterline project, the intersection at 4th and Jackson Streets will be closed this Monday and Tuesday Mother Nature willing.

They say parking restrictions will be in place for half of the block going both north and south on Jackson Street.

Now there are two alternative routes to access City Hall, residences and businesses between Jackson and Van Buren Streets.

North of 4th Street – Use Wood Lane off of Jackson Street (near the post office).

South of 4th Street – Use the alley between 3rd and 4th Streets (next to the WTH building).

Wood Lane will be one-way going east and the alley will be one-way going north. Vehicles will still be able to exit to Van Buren Street from 4th Street.

For questions or for more information contact Huntingburg City Hall at 812-683-2211.

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