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Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center is sponsoring a “Friday Community Health Screening” Friday August 5th in the Health and Wellness Classroom at Memorial’s Southside Office located along 12th Avenue in Jasper.

Participants must be 18 years of age or older and will have cholesterol (including total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and triglycerides) and blood glucose checked via finger stick.

A 12-hour fast is required; however, you may drink water and take prescribed medications. The cost is $25 and may be paid at the screening.

The screening lasts approximately 15 minutes, and pre-registration is required.

To register for the screening, or for more information, please visit Memorial Hospital’s website at and click on “Health Screenings.” Enter the company name as “Friday” and enter “2016” as the password.

You may also register by calling the Health and Wellness department at 812-996-2399 or toll-free at 800-852-7279, ext. 2399.

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