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The council also heard from Andy Nass of Nass and Son Funeral Home regarding a request from Fairmount Cemetery. The request described that the only source of revenue for the cemetery is lot sales and that it is having issues with financing.

Last year, the cemetery board requested assistance from the city.  The common council approved a $2,000 stipend for maintenance of the cemetery to help stem the continued shortfall caused by dwindling sales of grave plots. Tuesday, the council approved a $5,000 donation to Fairmount Cemetery out of the city’s riverboat fund. Fairmount was established in 1876 and as a public cemetery

Mayor Denny Spinner talks about the reoccurring request from the cemetery board to secure funding and support from the city…



Spinner says the council approved the $5,000 for this year which will come from the amount of funds from outside of the regular tax flow that does not affect the tax rate.

Spinner says Fairmount Cemetery is a historical feature for the City of Huntingburg and says the city is willing to partner with other organizations to help provide financial assistance to maintain the facility.

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