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This weekend marked the beginning of archery deer season. Deer hunting is very popular in the state of Indiana with more than 100,000 Hoosiers taking part in deer hunting activities last year. This year, lawmakers passed House Enrolled Act 1231, that concerned deer hunting.

District 48 State Senator Mark Messmer says the law allows a hunter to use certain rifles during firearm seasons between November 12th and November 27th, as long as it is on private property.
Messmer says the Indiana Department of Natural Resources will also issue a report on the impact of the use of rifles to hunt deer. He says the report will be given to the governor and General Assembly so they can monitor the effect these rifles have on deer hunting.

Messmer says as archery deer hunting season begins, Indiana Conservation Officers offer a number of safety tips……


Now as we move into fall, harvest season is also upon us. The Indiana Department of Agriculture wants motorists to be aware of increased farm equipment on the roads as farmers begin to harvest their crops.

Messmer says the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration notes that farm equipment vehicles, excluding trucks, were involved in 93 fatal crashes across the country last year.

As always, feel free to contact Messmer’s office directly with your questions and concerns by email at or by phone at 800-382-9467.

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