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Monday afternoon 4 of the 7 members of the Dubois County Council voted to keep county employees within their current salary after an injunction that was announced by the government.

Councilman Jerry Hunefeld stated that upon the injunction the choices they have are to either keep the current council’s decision or return everyone back to their original salary without any increases.

Councilwoman Martha Wehr explained that its only fair to go back to the original salary without any raises and she says department heads would understand the decision and say its only fair to those who were not considered for any raise at all.
She added that if the injunction is lifted that the council would then go back to the origonal plan and employees would then be paid retroactive.

Councilman Craig Greulich noted that the federal government had previously mandated the county council to raise employee salaries and now with the injunction they have to make the decision of either going forward with the raises or return back to previous salaries without any raises.

Councilman Nick Hostetter says the does not think it’s fair to take back raises that are expected.

Upon further discussion, some council members said that they understood both sides of the potential decision.

Before the decision was put to a vote council president Greg Kendall expressed that he would stand by his vote feeling it’s in the best interest.

The decision was motioned 4 to 3 to stand by the past judgement to keep the raised salaries.

Kendall has served on the council for 33 years and elaborates on his appreciation of serving the county as the next County Council meeting on Wednesday, December 28th will be the last meeting before a number of newly elected members take office…


The council also passed the motion to accept the recommended change presented by Councilwoman Becky Beckman on the schedule tax abatements from the 2016 Dubois County Circuit Breaker Report.

Beckman motioned and Councilwoman Charmain Klem added a second; the council voted unanimously on the changes.

As future decision will be looked upon once the incoming council members take office after being sworn in Thursday, December 29th. Kendall expressed his wishes for the new members and says they will will serve the county well and deserve the support of the community.


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