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The 17th Annual Wisdom Day for Dubois County sponsored by Catholic Charities of the
Diocese of Evansville will be held at the Huntingburg Event Center on Monday, September

The purpose of the day is to honor men and women age 55 and older and thank them for
their contributions to others.

The day offers opportunities to listen to speakers; to become informed; to have fellowship
and share a meal with freinds and neighbors; to make new freinds; and to provide service
to others by helping thoughout the day.

Doors will open at 8 am with coffee, donuts, rolls and fruit available. The event begins 9
and is usually over by 2:30 pm. It is free of charge however, free will offerings will be

No one will be turned away–catholic or other faiths.

You must make reservations by this Monday September 4th and can RSVP by calling the
Catholic Charities office at 812-423-5456 in order for a lunch count to be made correct.

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