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Trustees for the Dubois REC Operation Round Up fund met last month to award grants to seven local organizations. This brings the total amount of grants awarded in the community to more than $345,000 since 2011.

Operation Round Up is just what the name implies. Dubois REC simply “rounds up” the electric bill of participating members to the next highest dollar.
That spare change is overseen by a board of trustees, who are also Dubois REC members. Local groups and organizations can then apply for grants from this fund.

Those eligible to apply for the funds include groups or organizations located within the Dubois REC service territory, which covers the counties of Dubois, Crawford, Perry, Pike, Orange and Martin.
Grants are available for local volunteer fire departments, youth programs, 4-H, senior citizen programs and other community service projects. The fund will NOT be used to pay any electric or utility bills or be used in any way to support or oppose any political candidate or campaign.

Recipients of Operation Round Up grants awarded in the most recent grant cycle include:

Northeast Dubois Middle Scool

Northeast Dubois Middle School Special Education Program who received $2,500 to purchase multiple sensory items to be used by students, as well as classroom supplies and a computer program that allows students with learning disabilities to learn skills independently while using desired reinforcers to motivate students.

Tri-Cap received $1,500 to provide assistance to low income residents for emergency home repairs, food or medicine.

Forest Park Special Ed Program

Forest Park Jr. High Special Education received $1,000 to help fund flexible seating options and campus job skills for students.

Pine Ridge Elementary

Pine Ridge Elementary School received $2,000 to pave the existing track and add an interactive walking trail around the school.

Madison Township Fire Department

Madison Township (Ireland) Fire Department received $4,840 to purchase Storz fittings and caps for all Dubois County Fire Departments. These fittings are quick couplers that all departments can use for easier and quicker connections when offering mutual aid in a fire event.

Boys and Girls Club of Harrison and Crawford Counties

Boys and Girls Club of Harrison and Crawford Counties received $1,000 to help fund scholarships for low income students to attend their summer program.

Tri-County YMCA

and Tri-County YMCA received $2,000 to expand their Rock Steady Boxing program for people with Parkinson’s Disease.

Dubois REC will accept applications for the next grant cycle of Operation Round Up® grants November 1st through the 30th.

Grants must be submitted before 4 pm on November 30th. Representatives from local civic groups, non-profits or community organizations who would like to apply for an Operation Round Up grant can download the application forms from

Applications are also available at the Dubois REC office, by calling 812.482.5454 or sending an email to Kyla Jones at

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