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Although the 2021 Dubois County 4-H queen contests have wrapped up, the duties of this year’s court are just beginning!

This year’s winners are:

Junior Miss 2nd Runner Up- Kaitlin Miller

Junior Miss 1st Runner Up- Reagan Hochgesang

Junior Miss Queen- Lilyana Hoffman


Pre-Teen 2nd Runner Up- Kali Chambers

Pre-Teen 1st Runner Up- Amerynn Fetter

Pre-Teen Queen- Alayna Schnell


Teen Miss 1st Runner Up- Emma Betz

2021 Teen Miss Dubois County- Heather Schoenbachler


Miss Congeniality- Madison Giesler

Miss Photogenic- Kara Skorge

Miss 3rd Runner Up- Chaney Barrett

Miss 2nd Runner Up-Kara Skorge

Miss 1st Runner Up- Linda Jacob

2021 Miss Dubois County- Madison Giesler

The contests were held on Sunday afternoon in the Jasper High School Auditorium. The Dubois County 4-H Fair takes place from Monday, July 12th, to Friday, July 16th.

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