Today February 6th, 2024 is #SaferInternetDay.
In 2023 the Jasper Police Department joined forces with the Internet Crimes Against Children Indiana Task Force. Since joining this task force JPD has been made aware of over 20 Cybertips from the Nation Center for Missing and Exploited Children. All tips involve the sexual exploitation of children. Without this partnership, these cases may have gone uninvestigated locally. Due to the uptick in internet crimes in the last 10 years, we at JPD have made it a priority to fully investigate these heinous acts, to hopefully bring justice to our most vulnerable victims, our children.
The Jasper Police Dept along with the Internet Crimes Against Children Indiana Task Force, are committed to ensuring a better/safer internet for all. Here are some helpful resources for parents to keep their children safe.
As always please contact your local police department to report abuse or exploitation of children.
#SaferInternetDay, #StartTheConversation, #SID2024/ICAC, #InternetSafety