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Officials with TRI-CAP have announced Family Development Specialist certifications for several staff members.

In a news release, officials say Dawn Allen, Julie Breitweiser, Kendra Brittingham, Justin Collins, Ellen Corn, Neka Doss, Kendra Harmon, Angi Hunt, Stacy Kalebjian, Karissa Krohn, Nikki Lasher, Jenessa Miller, Jamie Poselwait, Jennifer Reinhart, and Carrie Vickers have all earned those certifications recently. They join several other TRI-CAP staff who already are certified as Family Development Specialist.

Of course, family development is one of the key services that is offered by TRI-CAP on a day to day basis. Family Development has a long history in Community Action, originating with the 1993 Government Performance and Results Act. From this act, the Results-Oriented Management & Accountability (ROMA) tool was developed and has since become an integral component of each of the many TRI-CAP service areas.

In order to walk families through this process, appropriate TRI-CAP staff goes to comprehensive training and must meet annual CEU criteria to earn and maintain their Family Development Specialist certification. The 3 day certification process is run by the Indiana Community Action Association and is funded by the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority. Its designed for case workers that work intensively with clients using family assessment tools and a family development matrix to help families set goals, develop a plan to achieve those goals and empower families to reach self-sufficiency.

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