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Jasper Community Arts announces its 13th Annual Chalk Walk Arts Festival set for Saturday, June 4th on the Square in downtown Jasper, from 8 am till 3 pm. A Rain date is planned for June 11th. This family-friendly event is chock-full of creative and fun activities for the young and the young-at heart.

In preparation for this day of fun, Jasper Community Arts is soliciting applicants for the Arts Market, Food Vendors, Community Services, Musicians and Volunteers. The Arts Market is a mini-fine arts festival and the communuty arts are looking for artists and craftsmen of all kinds including furniture makers, painters, potters, photographers, blacksmiths, weavers, sculptors, jewelry makers and more.

The fee for a booth space is $25 and artists must supply their own booths. Anyone who is interested may call Corina Mack at 812-482-3070.

Of course food is always an important part of any day-long festival. Therefore, church, club, or service organizations are invited to participate as a Food Vendor.

Now if you use a tent, it must meet state Fire Marshal codes. The fee for a booth space is $25. Anyone who is interested in being a food vendor may call Mike Jones at 812-630-2468.

Community Service groups wishing to have a booth with an activity or information relevant to the youth are welcomed. If the group is a non-profit and not selling items there is no booth fee.
The fee for a booth space for groups not meeting that criteria is $25.

Entertainers and musicians interested in performing at the event, please contact Carolyn Randolph at 812-630-4418.

Volunteers of high school age and older who wish to help with the hands-on arts activities should contact Mack at 812-482-3070 to sign up or obtain general information. Volunteers and service groups are needed with set up, registration, booth help, and clean up.

The annual Chalk Walk is supported by the Greater Jasper Business Association and Papa John’s Pizza of Jasper, as well as many local businesses and individuals.

Additional information about the Chalk Walk Arts Festival and downloadable forms can be found on the Jasper Community Arts Commission’s website at

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