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A Pair of Dubois County men have been arrested with after they were accused of stealing a truck that was reported missing Tuesday evening in the county.

The Dubois County Sheriff’s Department says
Richard Evans of Dubois and Rodney Flick of Jasper were taken into custody for the theft.

Deputies found the reportedly stolen vehicle on County Road 600N just east of Portersville Road. The pickup was traveling east on County Road 600N and lost control on the gravel road before flipping onto its top. It came to rest in the roadway.

Evans and Flick originally told authorites the truck had been stolen.

Evans was charged with obstruction of justice, false informing, and leaving the scene of a property damage accident.

Flick was charged with obstruction of justice and false informing.

The truck was reportedly taken from the 4500 block of West County Road 300N near Ireland between 8:15 p.m. and 11:45 p.m. Tuesday evening.

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