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Officials with the town of Holland say as a result of tests conducted on emergency sirens around Dubois County Wednesday, town officials found that the siren in Holland is currently not in service.

In a release issued by Holland Town Board President Tom Thacker, Fire Chief Adam Chambers and Dubois County Emergency Management Director Tammy Humbert, they say they have notified Federal Field Services who will be inspecting the siren and working to repair it.

They say however, due to the fact that we are in the middle the severe weather season Chambers, Thacker and Humbert are encouraging encouraging all residents of Holland to be aware of the problem and to verify that their SAME weather radios have fresh batteries and are ready to provide information of any severe weather headed for the area.

They also enocurage all citizens of Dubois County to do the same as the Sirens in the county are put in place as a back up to notify residents of threatening weather that is approaching.

They note that sirens are not to replace your own notification process such as NOAA weather radios.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Dubois County EMA office at 812-482-2202.

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