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Trustees for the Dubois REC Operation Round Up fund met to award grants to local groups and organizations.

Five local organizations received over 14-thousand dollars in grants in June bringing the total amount of grants awarded to over 254-thousand dollars.

Recipients of the Operation Round Up grants that were awarded in the most recent grant cycle include:

  • The Crawford County Youth Football League who received an Operation Round Up grant to purchase football helmets.
  • Fifth Street Elementary School to fund the purchase and implementation of Handwriting Without Tears curriculum for their Kindergarten class.The program teaches students to hold a pencil correctly, write the letters of the alphabet successfully and retain the process that is taught through repetition and various learning activities.
  • The Schnellville Community Club to fund a restroom renovation project in the clubhouse facility. The renovation would create ADA-compliant facilities.
  • Habitat for Humanity of Dubois County. The funds will help build two simple, affordable and energy efficient homes for families in need in the community.
  • And the Ireland St. Patrick’s Bicentennial Celebration to help fund the infrastructure needed for the event which will mark 200 years of history, celebrated Aug. 26-28.

Dubois REC is now accepting applications for Operation Round Up grants until August 26th.

Representatives from local civic groups or organizations who would like to apply for an Operation Round Up grant can download the application forms from .

Applications are also available at the Dubois REC office, by calling 812.482.5454 or sending an email to Kyla Jones at .

Those eligible to apply for the funds include groups or organizations located within the Dubois REC service territory, which covers the counties of Dubois, Crawford, Perry, Pike, Orange and Martin. Grants are available for local volunteer fire departments, youth programs, 4-H, senior citizen programs and other community service projects.

The fund will not be used to pay any electric or utility bills or be used in any way to support or oppose any political candidate or campaign.

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