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Over the past few days you may have noticed a sizable increase of people excessively invested in their phones and for Jasper this has shown an increase to the foot traffic around the square and city in general. Well you can place a majority of that blame on the latest trendy craze… Pokémon GO.

Pokémon  was created in 1995 as a pair of video games for the Nintendo Gameboy in which the player catches, trains, and battles creatures called Pokemon. Since its highly successful release the Pokemon franchise has spawned numerous video games, card games, cartoons, movies, and toys.

It’s latest interaction might even prove to be its most successful. Pokémon GO is an augment reality game played through a phone App and using your phones GPS.

The individual player can search the physical area around them for any Pokémon  that may appear and by swiping with your finger and throw a poke-ball you catch a virtual creature. Random poke-stops are scattered throughout the area as well, where players can stock up on free items. Anyone who has seen the crowds in the evening by the Dubois county courthouse square the past week can attest that the number of local players is very large and continues to grow.

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WBDC On-Air Personality Ty Hunter, states that he grew up with the original concept of Pokémon games at the age of 12, and due to current technological innovation the childhood dream of many to find a platform in which you actually catch a creature is impressive.

During the time Hunter  has been using this new App he has notices that the new trendy game has no age barrier as he has observed people of all ages actively playing this game.

With this new innovative way to interact with Pokémon GO it appears that people have been creating more footwork throughout communities, such as Jasper’s courthouse square.

Hunter notes that the response of people for this new App has been sensational since the augmented reality game was introduced only last week, adding 7.5 billion dollars to Nintendo’s market value.

Hunter says he doesn’t see this trendy game going away anytime soon since apparently just about everyone is out there, trying to catch them all.

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