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While there are still Burn Bans in in effect for Dubois County and areas nearby, people have been advised not to burn fires prior to the burn bans there have been some reports in Dubois County regarding fires that were caused by spontaneous combustion especially in silos and hay farms.

Ken Eck Dubois County Extension Educator on Agriculture & Natural Resources with Purdue Extension explains the causes of spontaneous combustion…

Eck referred to some of those conditions giving the example with hay, one of the concerns people have when harvesting hay is that there is very low moister content.

He explains some conditions that can cause abrupt fires with hay stored in barns…


Eck also noted that fires caused by spontaneous combustion can affect farm life depending where the hay or silo is placed.

Some fires result in great loss whether its of damaged material, food supply for animals, tools that are used on a farm and other significant losses that can occur depending on the severity of a fire.
For more information on spontaneous combustion or other agriculture and natural resource related information contact Eck by email at .

Eck and Dubois Strong President, Ed Cole, will be moderators for the 2016 Southwest Indiana Agriculture Economic Summit to provide various topics regarding energy efficiency, local foods, and much more.


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