It is once again time for local non-profits to register their organization’s booth for the 2017 Jasper Strassenfest! Strassenfest will be held on August 3,4,5 and 6, 2017.
Here is the link to register online, Click on the “Booths” tab. Then click on 2017 Booth Registration.
After completing the online form, do not forget to submit your entry fee to the Jasper Chamber of Commerce – $25 for booths, $10 for informational table spaces. Registration and Fee are due by April 12, 2017.
An in person informational meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 28 at 6 pm at the Jasper Knights of Columbus. Organizations planning to host a booth at Strassenfest this year are encouraged to send a representative to this meeting. Information packets will be handed our during this meeting.
Representatives from the County Health Department and City of Jasper agencies will be on hand to provide helpful information, and answer any questions. This information will also be available online starting March 29
Please contact Strassenfest Booth Coordinator, Corie Eckerle with any questions or concerns at email or by phone at 812-630-8791