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The public is invited to a third in a series of public forums about the massive, proposed, Riverview Energy coal-to-diesel refinery in Dale. The forum will be this evening (Thursday) at 6 pm Central (7 Eastern) in the Heritage Hills High School Auditorium in Lincoln City.

The title of the event is “No Coal-to-Diesel Forum: Let’s Act to Save Our Health and Homes”.

Co-hosted by Southwestern Indiana Citizens for Quality of Life and Project ACORN, the event will feature speakers:

Erin Marchand, MD, who will share scientific facts about the harmful effects of the refinery’s toxic emissions on area children and families.

Norma Kreilein, MD, will focus on the Indiana Department of Environmental Management and the Indiana State Board of Health and specifically their failure to monitor our air and address spikes in infant mortality, illness, and learning disabilities related to pollution.

Jerry Steckler, a local farmer and owner of Steckler Grassfed, will speak about the relationship farmers have with the land and the detrimental effect such a superpolluter will have on his adjacent farm and our region’s overall quality of life.

Chemical engineer Randy Vaal will explain in layman’s terms the science of the refinery’s processes and his concerns about building such a massive industrial source of toxic emissions so close to a school, towns, and parks.

And President of the all-volunteer citizens’ group Mary Hess will offer an update on the refinery’s status, specific ways people can get involved, and the long-overdue need for cleaner, healthier jobs in the area.

The forum is for citizens wanting to learn facts about Riverview Energy’s plans that will affect the quality of life of the region for generations to come.
After the forum, the speakers will be available to privately answer questions and discuss citizens’ concerns.

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