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Phil Mundy has announced his plans to seek the Republican nomination for a full term on the Jasper Common Council.

Mundy was selected in January to complete Mayor Dean Vonderheide’s term on the council after Vonderheide was appointed mayor by a Republican caucus.

In a release Mundy says as a small business owner and building owner in downtown Jasper, he has been excited about the direction the community is going with the many construction projects, library and cultural center, upgrades to our parks system and so forth.

Mundy says he would love to see that continue as is fiscally possible.

Mundy added that the community needs to stay the course so businesses, large and small, can attract quality employees to continue to grow.

Mundy is the co-owner of Adventures Recreation and Gear and has been a local business and building owner for 25 years.

He has served as president, vice president and secretary of the Greater Jasper Downtown Business Association as well as been a DC Multisport board member and coach and board member of several youth sports organizations. He’s served as a grade school coach, school board member and booster club president at Holy Family School.

He has also organized and been a board member for several charity events including the Strassenfest Bike Ride, Spirit of Jasper Duathlon/5K as well as area cycling and running events.

Mundy and his wife, Karen, have two adult children and are members of St. Joseph Catholic Church.

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