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The 2020 Presidential Election and coronavirus could lead to an uncertain economic future.

A crowd of business, community and organization leaders gathered Thursday for the Annual IU Economic Forecast Luncheon hosted by the Rotary Club of Jasper.

The luncheon is an up-to-date forum with opinions regarding the world, national, state, and local economic outlook for 2020 and beyond.

Economic panelists with Indiana University voiced predictions and concerns on topics like the coronavirus as well as the 2020 Presidential election and how it will affect the economy.

The third speaker for the event, Professor of Finance at Indiana University – Columbus Ryan Brewer tells why the coronavirus is a possible reason the economy could be affected.

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The panel also discussed how the 2020 Presidential Election could affect the economy.

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Brewer mentions that GDPs could go down with time with a Democratic nominee, however, there would be a focus on income and poverty rates. Brewer says he isn’t sure of the possible outcomes.

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Chair of Finance at the Indiana University Kelley School of Business Charles Trzcinka shared insight into what 2020 holds for financial markets, stating that earnings will be below average, but still positive.

Bill Witte, an Indiana Business Research Center Associate Professor and a retired economic’s professor from IU, shared the outlook for the national economy highlighting his past forecast along with his estimations and predictions for 2020.

18 WJTS TV will air the Jasper Rotary Club I.U. Economic Forecast Luncheon this Monday evening February 24th at 8:00 pm EST following the WJTS local news and again on Sunday, March 1st at 2:00 pm EST.

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