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State health officials say the number of confirmed coronavirus cases has jumped to 24.

According to the Indiana State Department of Health website, 13 counties have confirmed cases.

These counties include:

Adams- 1 case

Bartholomew-1 case

Boone-1 case

Floyd- 1 case

Hamilton- 1 case

Hendricks-3 cases

Howard-2 cases

Johnson-3 cases

LaPorte- 1 case

Marion-7 cases

Noble-1 case

St. Joseph- 1 case

Wells-1 case

The CDC has posted guidance for schools and facilities on its website.

To see this: click here

The CDC has also posted a decision tree to help school officials reduce the risk and spread of illness.

The ISDH lab is prioritizing testing for individuals who are at a high risk.

Those who do not meet this criteria are encouraged to contact their health care provider and ask about private testing.

Hoosiers are encouraged to sign up at to receive alerts and updates.

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