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ISP Jasper Post K9 Barker to Recieve New Protective Vest Amanda Seng Recently Named Springs Valley BSA Officer Oil Paintings by Joe Overby Exhibit on Display at Saint Meinrad Archabbey Library Gallery Monsignor Paul McPartlan to Speak at Saint Meinrad Seminary 2025 Thomas Lecture Over 1400 Pounds of Christmas Lights Recycled in Dubois County

As of April 13, at 8 a.m., there is a total of 13 positive COVID-19 tests among Dubois County residents.

ALL persons who are in a community setting and in situations where they are around other people need to be wearing a cloth face covering to cover nose and mouth. This does include gas station, grocery store and pharmacy workers to name just a few. This recommendation comes from Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) and Center for Disease Control (CDC).

Please continue to be vigilant in social distancing and proper hand hygiene. We are all valuable to this fight against the control of this virus. Social distancing only works if we all participate. Take care of yourself and your families. It takes us all, including family, friends and neighbors. STAY HOME! #INthistogether

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