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Explore the History of Shamrock Café at Ireland Historical Society Event on October 20 W. 9th Street in Jasper to Close Temporarily for Tree Removal on October 15th Water Service Interruption and Boil Advisory for Wind Song Estates on October 15th Knights of Columbus to Host Priests, Deacons & Religious Vocations Appreciation Dinner Shop and Sip: An Evening of Shopping and Live Music in Downtown Jasper on October 16th

The Dubois County 4-H Fair Results are in!

The results from the virtual fair are available online at

The fair was supposed to take place this week in person; however, COVID-19 put a damper in those plans.

Even though the fair results are in, there are still events going on virtually on the Purdue Extension – Dubois County’s social media. The Scavenger Hunt and the 4-H Project Showcases will thru Thursday. The 4-H Fun Day Results and the 4-H Club Recognition will be Thursday as well. Finally, the Graduating 4-H Senior Recognition, the 4-H Volunteer Recognition, and the Award Ceremony will take place on Friday.

All the events will be shown on video. As we said, videos can be found on the Purdue Extention Dubois County’s social media as well as on the Purdue Extension – Dubois County playlist on the PUExtention YouTube Channel.

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